Thursday / Oct 20th, 202210/20/2022


Featured Challenge:
#174 — AppleSoft Basic Fractal Tree

Take a trip back in time and let's learn all about GR (graphics) and HGR (high resolution graphics) in AppleSoft BASIC on a restored Apple II+ computer! Can we render a fractal tree?

sep 12, 2022

AppleSoft Basic Fractal Tree

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Let's make ASCII art in p5.js together! In this video, I demonstrate a variety of techniques for translating the pixels of an image into text and finish with rendering video as text ASCII characters in a DOM.

Image to ASCII

In this video I explore the wonders of the copy() function in the creative coding platform Processing, simulating slitscan photography and bending time itself! This video is thanks to Tim Rodenbröker’s generous donation to The Processing Foundation!

Slitscan Time Displacement Effect

In this challenge, I demonstrate the entire process of training and deploying a machine learning classification model in JavaScript – data collection, model training, and prediction!

Shape Classifier Neural Network with ml5.js