Thursday / Oct 20th, 202210/20/2022


Featured Challenge:
#174 — AppleSoft Basic Fractal Tree

Take a trip back in time and let's learn all about GR (graphics) and HGR (high resolution graphics) in AppleSoft BASIC on a restored Apple II+ computer! Can we render a fractal tree?

sep 12, 2022

AppleSoft Basic Fractal Tree

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It’s groundhog day on the coding train as I demonstrate another noise loop GIF technique, this time with 4D OpenSimplex Noise in Processing (Java).

4D OpenSimplex Noise Loop

In this multi-part coding challenge I show how to use a noise field and polar coordinates to create a perfect GIF loop.

Polar Noise Loops

In this multi-part challenge, I use a parametric equation (from Wolfram Mathworld) to draw a heart curve in Processing (Java).

Heart Curve

In this coding challenge, I load a sprite sheet and create multiple animated sprites with the p5.js library.

Animated Sprites

In this coding challenge, I explore the concept of a simple particle system and attempt to create a smoke effect with the p5.js library.

Simple Particle System

In this 4th of July themed coding challenge, I build an HTML5 canvas fireworks simulation from scratch using the p5.js JavaScript library. I also show how to use Processing to create 3D Fireworks.
