Thursday / Oct 20th, 202210/20/2022


Featured Challenge:
#174 — AppleSoft Basic Fractal Tree

Take a trip back in time and let's learn all about GR (graphics) and HGR (high resolution graphics) in AppleSoft BASIC on a restored Apple II+ computer! Can we render a fractal tree?

sep 12, 2022

AppleSoft Basic Fractal Tree

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spherical coordinates

It's the Mandelbulb! What happens when you take the original fractal (The Mandelbrot Set) and extend it into 3D space. And how do you visualize it in Processing (Java) as a point cloud?

The Mandelbulb

In this coding challenge, I use the "superformula" to make a 3D "supershape" in Processing. This is part 4 of a multi-part series on superformulas, superellipses and supershapes

3D Supershapes