Thursday / Oct 20th, 202210/20/2022


Featured Challenge:
#174 — AppleSoft Basic Fractal Tree

Take a trip back in time and let's learn all about GR (graphics) and HGR (high resolution graphics) in AppleSoft BASIC on a restored Apple II+ computer! Can we render a fractal tree?

sep 12, 2022

AppleSoft Basic Fractal Tree

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This project is a collaboration with Grady Hillhouse at the Practical Engineering YouTube channel. This is my attempt to code a simulation of Horizontal Directional Drilling, laparoscopic surgery for the earth!

Horizontal Directional Drilling

Straight out of quantum mechanics, Wave Function Collapse is an algorithm for procedural generation of images. In this video (recorded over 3 live streams) I attempt the tiled model and explore a variety of solutions to the algorithm in JavaScript with p5.js.

Wave Function Collapse

It's the Monty Hall Problem! In JavaScript! With p5.js! Yes, you really double your chances of winning by switching doors. I hope to convince you of this in this video!

The Monty Hall Problem

Happy Pi Day! How many delicious digits of Pi can you catch from the sky? In JavaScript!

Pi in the Sky Game

Why do prime numbers show up as diagonals in a spiral? In this video, I create a visualization in JavaScript (p5.js) of the Ulam Spiral (aka Prime Spiral) named for Polish Mathematician Stanislav Ulan.

The Prime (Ulam) Spiral

Let's make ASCII art in p5.js together! In this video, I demonstrate a variety of techniques for translating the pixels of an image into text and finish with rendering video as text ASCII characters in a DOM.

Image to ASCII

Let's make a slide puzzle in p5.js together! We'll be using images, nested loops, and arrays, and by the end of our journey, we'll have a fully playable game!

Slide Puzzle

Have you ever wanted to know more about bézier curves in p5.js? Thanks to a generous donation from Jason Oswald, I do a deep dive exploring the bézier curve function and the math behind the algorithm?

Bézier Curves

It's finally time to attempt a Self-Avoiding Walk! In this video, I quickly visualize a simple JavaScript p5.js implementation of a self-avoiding walk. I then tackle the more complex problem of backtracking to find a solution to a space-filling self-avoiding walk.

Self Avoiding Walk

Boing! Time to simulate a spring force! This challenge fits into chapters 2 and 3 of the Nature of Code and demonstrates how to simulate the oscillating motion of a spring using vectors and forces.

Spring Forces

Choo choo! In this challenge, I build on chapter 3 (Oscillating Motion) of the Nature of Code series and simulate a simple pendulum in p5.js via angular acceleration.

Simple Pendulum Simulation

🥧 Happy Pi Day 2020! In this challenge, I build a simple web application using p5.js and node.js to search in the first billion digits of Pi.

Peeking Inside Pi

In this challenge, I attempt to create a Ukulele tuner in JavaScript using p5.js, ml5.js and the pre-trained machine learning model CREPE: A Convolutional REpresentation for Pitch Estimation. Can you make one with a more elegant and creative interface?

Ukulele Tuner with Machine Learning

In this coding challenge, I implement the “Gift Wrapping algorithm” (aka Jarvis march) for calculating a convex hull in JavaScript. This is a foundational topic in computational geometry!

Gift Wrapping Algorithm

Inspired by the recent image of the Powehi m87 black hole from the Event Horizon Telescope, I visualize the behavior or light (photons) following the path of spacetime around the black hole in p5.js.

2D Black Hole Visualization

Let's try implementing a famously faster sorting algorithm: the Quicksort! And visualize the process with p5.js!

Quicksort Visualization

In this coding challenge, I use the Leibniz formula (aka infinite series) to approximate the digits of Pi and graph the convergence.

Leibniz Formula for Pi

An attempt to implement the basic mechanics of Angry Birds in JavaScript using p5.js and the matter.js physics engine.

Angry Birds with Matter.js

It’s groundhog day on the coding train as I demonstrate another noise loop GIF technique, this time with 4D OpenSimplex Noise in Processing (Java).

4D OpenSimplex Noise Loop

In this coding challenge, I simulate the “Bouncing DVD Logo” meme in JavaScript with p5.js.

Bouncing DVD Logo

In this coding challenge, I visualize a Fourier series for a square wave in JavaScript with p5.js.

Fourier Series

In this multi-part coding challenge, I visualize the "Chaos Game".

Chaos Game

In this multi-part coding challenge, I take a closer look at the Quick, Draw! dataset and create a simple node API to "replay" drawings of rainbows and cats using p5.js.

Quick, Draw!

In this coding challenge, I talk about bitwise operations, and more specifically, bit shifting.

Bit Shifting

This coding challenge is an exploration of binary numbers with p5.js. Watch me build an interactive sketch that converts binary to decimal numbers!

Binary to Decimal Conversion

In this coding challenge, I load a sprite sheet and create multiple animated sprites with the p5.js library.

Animated Sprites

Visualizing the Barnsley Fern fractal with Processing (Java)!

Barnsley Fern

In this challenge, I use my JavaScript neural network library and a genetic algorithm to train an agent to play Flappy Bird.

Neuroevolution Flappy Bird

In this multi-part coding challenge, I implement a Quadtree data structure in JavaScript and visualize it with p5.js.


In this multi-part coding challenge, I code the sliding puzzle game 2048 in JavaScript using canvas and p5.js.

2048 Sliding Puzzle Game

In this coding challenge, I use my Toy Neural Networks library to solve the XOR problem.

XOR Problem

In this multi-part coding challenge, I attempt to create a simulation of the classic board game Snakes & Ladders (also known as Chutes and Ladders).

Snakes & Ladders

Langton's Ant is a cellular automaton that starts off with simples rules but takes on complex emergent behavior.

Langton's Ant

The artist BeesandBombs makes amazing algorithmic looping GIFs! Here's my attempt to recreate one of my favorite GIFs in JavaScript with p5.js and the WEBGL renderer.

Cube Wave by Bees and Bombs

Getting tied up in 3D Knots in Processing is loads of fun! Thank you to Paul Bourke for the helpful reference and formulae!

3D Knots

In this coding challenge, I attempt to code Conway’s Game of Life cellular automata simulation in JavaScript using the p5.js library.

The Game of Life

In this multi-part challenge, I implement two possible solutions to Golan Levin's Circle Morphing challenge.

Circle Morphing

In this coding challenge, I explore the concept of a simple particle system and attempt to create a smoke effect with the p5.js library.

Simple Particle System

In this coding challenge, I attempt to create a version of the classic one-line Commodore 64 BASIC program in JavaScript using p5.js. This coding challenge is inspired by the book 10 PRINT.
